Monday, January 18, 2010

Christmas in Panama.

We may be in the middle of islands with sand and palm trees we can still celebrate Christmas like everybody else. On December 25th we went on a small island called BBQ Island. This is an inhabited island but is regularly used by sailors to socialize and have a drink. This time the crews of the twenty or so boats anchored nearby gathered on the island to celebrate Christmas. This was a potluck so everyone brought a dish and a gift exchange was also organized. For the occasion we made a reversed pineapple cake and brought a board game we never use. Of course celebrating Christmas in broad day light, wearing shorts and T-shirt with a bunch of people we never met before, on a sand island with palm trees all around is very different than the ones we are used back home with snow, winter coats and boots and the sun setting at 4 pm but it was sure better than staying by ourselves on the boat. Since there is no electricity on the island the party stopped at 6 pm when the sun went down and everyone went back to their boat. Some even had Christmas lights that night and discharged batteries the morning after!

This happy bunch came to whish us Merry Christmas and to ask us if we had a beer. We gave each of them one even though the second one from the front was not more than 15 year old and the fact that it was 8:00 in the morning!

Here Danielle drinks her glass of wine during the Christmas party.