Friday, October 9, 2009

The sacred valley of the Incas.

Before getting to Machupicchu one needs to first visit the sacred valley of the Incas. Basically, a set of archeological sites featuring old sites from the Inca’s era that were not totally destroyed by the Spanish conquistadors. Along the way we sometimes meet the icon of these regions of South America; the lama. However, this could be an alpaca for what I know as they are hard to tell apart for tourists like us! We don’t know what a Lama, rarer, tastes like but the alpaca is quite good.


Not the most visited site in Peru is the “Los Salinas”. This is an incredible set of about 2000 ponds built before the Incas, according to our guide, and used to harvest the salt that comes out of the mountain as a small salty stream. We tasted the water source to remind us the ocean water but to our surprise it tasted way saltier than the sea water if that’s possible! Would you believe that about 350 families still live of harvesting this salt today?

Out of the small town of Pisac are these Inca ruins of a small Inca’s administrative village. Behind me you can see the stone that was used to sacrifice animals for religious and superstitious purposes. Nope, not human sacrifices here that we know of. Human sacrifices were very rare in the Inca’s empire and only used when the Gods were really mad as in the case of the mommy Juanita that was offered to appease the volcano god and who we had to chance to see still frozen in Arequipa. Sorry no pictures were allowed.


This is the set of Inca terraces of Murray that were used for the agriculture in the mountains. This round structure is pretty unique but the terraces are definitively not, as they can be found at every Inca site and are now widely used by the farmers all over the mountains still today.
This one is unfortunately more for our French readers since the word “Quipu” in French is pronounced exactly as “qui pue” and means “that stinks”. So this sign basically announces the Pizzeria that stinks! We don’t know what kind of cheese they use in their pizzas but this is really not inviting ;-)